old EOS®

When it’s time to gain traction in your Pittsburgh area business, EOS® is the choice.

Professional EOS Implementation with Lloyd Wolf

Lloyd Wolf helps business owners and leaders in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania achieve more — more of their goals and everything they want from their businesses.

He does this by being a Professional EOS Implementer ® and works with businesses – as a teacher, facilitator and coach – to help them implement EOS® (the Entrepreneurial Operating System®). EOS is a complete, proven system with simple, practical tools to help you do 3 things we call Vision, Traction and Healthy.


Getting your leaders 100% on the same page with the vision for your organization – where you are going, and how you are planning to get there.


Helping your leaders to become more focused, disciplined and accountable, executing really well to achieve every part of your vision.


Helping your leaders to become a more healthy, functional, cohesive leadership team, because unfortunately, leaders often don’t function well as a team.
From there, as goes your leadership team, goes the rest of the organization. Ultimately we get to a point where your entire organization is crystal clear on your vision, all much more disciplined and accountable, executing well, gaining consistent traction towards your vision, and advancing together as a healthy, functional, cohesive group of people who enjoy spending time together.

EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) is unique because it is easy to understand and use, and it addresses all issues rather than applying spot treatments to your business. It works in any entrepreneurial company and across all business models because the system is founded on time-tested methods and principles, not business management theories or "flavor of the month" fads. EOS was introduced to the world in 2007 in the book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman. 

EOS is a complete system for business owners, executives and leadership teams who want faster growth, healthier teams, and greater profits but recognize they don’t have all the answers. Thousands of growing businesses across the country and around the globe leverage EOS to align their leadership team, improve accountability, and simplify their operations.

Lloyd helps organizations clarify, simplify, and achieve their vision using an easy and proven approach.

Contact Lloyd to learn more!


The EOS Model®

EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) doesn’t treat symptoms – it helps you cure the "whole body" by strengthening the Six Key Components™ of your business – Vision, People, Data, Issues, Process, and Traction.  The EOS Model provides a visual illustration of the Six Key Components of any business that must be managed and strengthened to be a great business. This model applies to big and small businesses alike, in any industry. 
The EOS Model
On the journey together to implement EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System), Lloyd works alongside you and your leadership team as a teacher, facilitator and coach to strengthen the Six Key Components – striving to get each to 100% strong. Truth be told, most organizations are operating somewhere around 20% strong in each of the Six Key Components – succeeding in spite of themselves.
  • 1. The VISION Component™

    The 1st Key Component is the Vision Component. Strengthening this component means getting everyone in the organization 100% on the same page with who you are, what you do, where you are going, and how you will get there..

  • 2. The PEOPLE Component™

    The 2nd Key Component is the People Component. Simply put, we can’t achieve great Vision without great people. This means surrounding yourself with great people, top to bottom. Great people are the Right People (who consistently exhibit your Core Values) who sit in the Right Seats (who have the God given talent, skills, experience, ability and desire to be great at their job).  Right People, Right Seats, you've got to have both.

  • 3. The DATA Component™

    The 3rd Key Component is the Data Component. This means cutting through all the feelings, egos and subjective emotions that opften drive decision making in an entreprenurial company and running your business on facts, figures and a handful of objective numbers that give you an absolute pulse on where things are with the organization.

  • 4. The ISSUES Component™

    The 4th Key Component is the Issues Component. Strengthening this component means becoming great at solving problems throughout the organization – setting them up, knocking them down and making them go away forever.

  • 5. The PROCESS Component™

    The 5th Key Component is the Process Component. This is the secret ingredient in your organization. This means identifying, simplifying and documenting the core processes that define your way to run your business – getting everyone on the same page with what the essential procedural steps in your core processes and then getting everyone to follow them so you create consistency and scalability in your organization. It makes it easier to mange, more profitable and more fun.

  • 6. The TRACTION Component™

    The 6th and final Key Component is the Traction Component. This means bringing discipline and accountability into the organization – becoming great at execution – taking the Vision down to the ground and executing on that Vision, day in and day out.

The EOS Process®

The EOS Process is the proven process for helping your leadership team to master the EOS Tools at the right time and in the right order – to strengthen each of the Six Key Components and take take your organization to the next level.
The EOS Process
Someone will need to play the essential role of “EOS Implementer"  to guide your leadership team through the EOS process. Lloyd Wolf is a Professional EOS Implementer ® and works with businesses located in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania – as a teacher, facilitator and coach – to help them implement EOS. He was personally trained by Mike Paton – Visionary at EOS Worldwide, one of the handful of original EOS Implementers, and co-author of the book Get a Grip: An Entrepreneurial Fable.
  • 1. 90 Minute Meeting

    This introduces the leadership team of a company to EOS, getting everyone on the same page so they can decide if they want to use the system and tools to strengthen their company.

    Contact Lloyd today to schedule a no-obligation 90 Minute Meeting with you and your leadership team.

  • 2. The Focus Day™

    A day to give the leadership team tools to clarify who’s responsible for what, set priorities, improve communication, resolve issues and track critical numbers. The leadership team then uses their new tools in their business for the next 30 days to experience real improvement.

  • 3. Vision Building™ Day 1

    Another day with the leadership team that starts by reviewing and sharpening the Focus Day tools. They then begin to use the Vision / Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) tool to clarify their vision, starting with who they are, why they exist, what they do and where they are going. They will also get a great tool for reviewing their people.

    The team again uses their tools in their business for the next 30 days to experience more improvement. This is a spaced-learning approach which has proven to be most effective for quickly gaining proficiency with the tools.

  • 4. Vision Building™ Day 2

    Another day with the leadership team to master the Focus Day tools and continue using the V/TO tool to complete their vision, clarifying their Marketing Strategy, their 3-Year Picture™, 1-Year Plan and priorities for the next 90 days.

    With the leaders now focused and all 100% on the same page, they use the tools for the next 90 days to execute their plan. They will see more improvement.

  • 5. Quarterly 1-day Sessions

    A day with the leadership team every 90 days to evaluate their performance, refocus, learn more of the tools in the EOS Toolbox™, set priorities for the next 90 days and resolve any issues that might impede their progress.

    They experience measurable growth and improvement every 90 days – Traction®.

  • 6. Annual 2-day Sessions

    2 Days with the leadership team each year to work on team health and update their vision and plan for the next year and next quarter.

    The result is a healthy, focused leadership team and organization that makes continual progress towards achieving everything in their vision.

EOS Resources 

Below are several free EOS resources from EOS Worldwide.
Video: The EOS Story – Helping Entrepreneurs Get What They Want from Their Businesses

The Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) was created to help entrepreneurs get what they want out of their businesses. EOS is a simple and practical system that gives you control over your company and helps your organization communicate better. Everyone in the company will be on the same page and move in the same direction. This improves business operations, helps your business grow, and provides greater balance in your life. 

EOS was introduced to the world in the book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman.
Video: Compartmentalizing Your Business

One major struggle for entrepreneurial leaders is managing their massive workloads and the endless list of "stuff" that needs to get done every day.

Mastering the art of "Compartmentalizing" will help you free up energy and time for yourself, your team and your company – while maximizing your efficiency and productivity. You'll execute better, become more efficient, and FOCUS your team's energy.

This video explains how to make a list of everything you have to accomplish, label it, and place it in the right compartment – Goals, Rocks, To-Do's, or Issues. This practice will help you and your team get a picture of WHAT needs to get done, WHEN It needs to get done, and HOW much of a priority it is.

EOS Organizational Checkup

Organizational Checkup™
EOS (the Entrepreneurial Operating System) is designed to help organizations strengthen the Six Key Components™ of their business. This isn't just theory, EOS has a tool - the Organizational Checkup - that actually measures how strong you are in each component.  

Many business owners and leaders encounter the same frustrations over and over again, but don't know how to get unstuck. The Organizational Checkup helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses so you can start solving your issues - for good. It helps you assess each of the Six Key Components, and get a clear roadmap for improvement.

Long used by companies implementing EOS to measure their progress, the Organizational Checkup is now available as an on-line tool. Click the link below to see how your organization stacks up.
Video: How to Run an Effective Meeting - Tutorial

Learn to run effective business meetings using the Level 10 Meeting Agenda. This essential time management tool will save your company time and help keep your leadership team accountable. This tutorial walks you through a successful 90-minute weekly leadership team meeting agenda. Running effective meetings is an important business skill you need to help grow your company.

Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman
Traction Download
The book Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business by Gino Wickman introduced the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) to the world, and today EOS has been used by over 8,000 business owners and leaders to get what they want from their businesses.

Traction was highlighted as a "must read" by the NY Times and has been featured in a wide variety of business publications including Inc., Forbes, and Entrepreneur Magazine.

As part of his "Help First" philosophy, Lloyd is always willing to give a free copy of the hardcover Traction book – just ask. In the meantime, click the link below to download a free chapter of Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business©.
Rocket Fuel by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters
Visionary and Integrator Assessments
Are you a "Visionary" or an "Integrator"? The book Rocket Fuel, by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters, explains the powerful partnership of Visionaries and Integrators, and how a great Visionary and Integrator team can achieve amazing things together. 

Rocket Fuel is what gets added to your business when you identify your unique strength and team up with your complementary opposite. 

Rocket Fuel includes assessments to gauge your ability as a Visionary or Integrator, and these assessments are now available online. Click the link below to take the Rocket Fuel assessments to discover your unique strengths and grow both your profitability and your impact. The Rocket Fuel Indicator Assessments were created by Gino Wickman and Mark C. Winters.

Lloyd Wolf is a Professional EOS Implementer in Pittsburgh, PA and a proud member of the EOS WorldWide community. EOS®, Entrepreneurial Operating System®, Traction® , and all EOS-related content and tools are owned by EOS WorldWide and appear on this site with permission from EOS WorldWide, in accordance with EOS WorldWide branding guidelines. Use or reproduction of any EOS-related content without permission from EOS WorldWide is prohibited.
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